About the Journal

Tasarım+Kuram is the journal of the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, which publishes peer-reviewed articles three times a year. It aims to promote ideas and to contribute to the development of the academic-professional environment, in disciplines of architecture, city and regional planning, interior design, industrial design and in other related disciplines.

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Current Issue

Vol. No. 00 (2025): Tasarım+Kuram Erken Görünüm
Published: 2025-01-08
View All Issues

Tasarım+Kuram is the journal of the Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, which publishes refereed articles three times a year. It aims to promote ideas and to contribute to the development of the academic-professional environment, in disciplines of architecture, city and regional plannlng, interior design, industrial design and in other related disciplines.